Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Word on Honesty

Nothing is more pure than the truth.  The principle of honesty revolves around the truth.  It exercises the act of telling the truth to those who need to hear it.  In telling the truth, a person must express only what is pure and factual, setting aside all personal bias or reservations.  No matter how great or how painful the truth might be, it is every person's obligation to tell it the way it really is.  Honesty is an important principle that will build trust in relationships when nurtured, and on the contrary can destroy trust if it is compromised.  It defines one's character and really displays what a person is made of.  An honest man has nothing to hide and nothing to fear.  He stands with courage through the eye of the storm, and will only give up what he knows to be right.  This man of honesty is hard to find, and his virtue is suppressed in a mist of deception and corruption.  As people continue to take the easy wrong against the hard right, the value of the honest man fades away.  Is there any honesty left in this world?